The first picture that your guests are going to obtain from your wedding is the card Save the Date, then follows the invitation card – show to your guests from the very beginning how much commitment you demonstrate as a couple for your upcoming wedding. We have papers, cards and accessories suited to any planned style. Whether vintage, decorated entirely in white or absolutely colourful – once the wedding look chosen, the planning begins! Hall & table decorations, Candy Bar, Give aways, and...and..and... – the list seems endless. Let yourself be inspired by our products and product ideas... We wish you a beatiful wedding day and an unforgettable celebration!

Wedding products
Satin textile objects: heart, padded
2 sizes, 13+30 mm, PVC heart Box 100 pcs
Available Colors
Satin textile objects: heart, padded
2 sizes, 13+30 mm, PVC heart Box 100 pcs
Available Colors