Take a step into the future.

Take a step into the future.

With Rayher’s Communion & Confirmation.

The communion or the confirmation is certainly a very special day for your child as the first step into a new level of maturity. As personal as the event is on that day should as well be the card designing and the decoration. Whether candles, cards or decorative elements – you will find here all that you need for the communion or confirmation of your child.

Crafting ideas Communion & Confirmation

Tray money gift fish


Difficulty -


90 min

Stone „Heilige Kommunion“


Difficulty -


30 min

Fish out of Raysin


Difficulty -


60 min

Pink-coloured gift tag


Difficulty -


30 min

Take your child by the hand and create together the cards and the decoration for the communion or confirmation. Thus, you can look forward together to this upcoming important day. And what could be better than sending customized cards to relatives and receiving later compliments for the wonderfully creative table decoration? The candle plays a major role at the communion and the confirmation. The candle surrounds the child with its protective light beam and gives him henceforth a guiding light. By means of our wax motifs & accessories, the candle can be easily made by you and it is gaining even more personal charm.


Communion & Confirmation products

Wax motive Cross silver

10.5x5.5cm, tab-bag 1pc

Wax motive Cross gold

10.5x5.5cm, tab-bag 1pc

Wax motif: Cross

4cm, tap-bag. 1 pc

Wax motif: Pax

4cm, tap-bag. 1 pc

Wax motif: Alpha + Omega

2,5cm, tab-bag 2 pce.

Communion candle, 4cm ø

50cm, in a lucent box

Taper candle, 4cm ø

40cm, in a lucent box

Daily Soap

Daily Soap

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Daily Soap

Mini Gardening

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Daily Soap


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Yes, I do!

Baby Baptism party

Entering into life creatively.
Baby Baptism party