Instructions in 6 steps Domestic winter landscape. The painted and decorated wooden lettering looks incredible on a wooden trunk. Small, snow-covered decorative fir trees provide the winter feeling. And this is how it works:
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Step 1
Mix the blue-green and the mint-green All Purpose paints, and smear this mixture on the wooden lettering “Winter Wonderland”.2 ![]()
Step 2
Once the painted script has dried out, you can spread some Quickie-Glue adhesive onto it and sprinkle some brill.silver ultra-fine sequins on.3 ![]()
Step 3
Stick the painted wooden lettering “Winter Wonderland” onto the natural halved log by means of the hot glue.4 ![]()
Step 4
Now, you can glue the decorative fir tree covered with snow, the larch cones, the vines and the small star-shaped wooden parts onto the wooden log by means of the hot glue.5 ![]()
Step 5
At the end, adorn the wooden lettering “Winter Wonderland” and the wooden log with the Snow-Pen, and you can mask that way the visible hot-melt areas.6 ![]()