Christmassy plastic balls 8 cm

Craft Idea Christmassy plastic balls 8 cm

Christmassy plastic balls 8 cm




30 min
Instructions in 7 steps The plastic balls are filled with Christmas motifs in order to become special eye-catchers on the Christmas tree. And this is how it works:

Step 1

Cut out the pattern and place it on the desired drawing paper. Trace the pattern and cut it out afterwards.

The cutting pattern can be found in the PDF version of the craft idea. Just download it.


Step 2

For Santa and Snowman, glue the single parts (e.g. hat, cap or broom) on the basic body. Paint the eyes and the nose with a crayon.

Step 3

Malen Sie mit einem Holzmalstift die Augen und Nase auf.

Step 4

Decorate the external edges as you like with the glue stick quickie glue and glitter.

Schritt 5

To fill the plastic ball you can use decorative snow flakes, glitter, pompons, figures, gifts, etc. At first fill one half of the plastic ball as desired. Now insert the pre-cut drawing paper motive and close the plastic ball.

Step 6

Decorate the drawing paper motive with loop, bells, brads, etc.

Step 7

Punch a whole with a ticket-punch and hang the finished ball up with a ribbon.
Used products For this craft idea, you need the following products of Rayher:
item no. 38075000 Snow-Pen
bottle 59 ml
Decorative snowflakes
item no. 3960100 Decorative snowflakes
bag 2 l
Checked pattern ribbon, red
item no. 5540718 Checked pattern ribbon, red
6mm, t-roll, 10m, red
Quickie glue
item no. 3308600 Quickie glue