Instructions in 15 steps Create an exotic feeling with necklaces made of colourful Rocailles beads, tassels and golden pendants. And this is how it works:
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Step 1: Chain with Monstera leaf
Shorten the link chain at the desired length (model 55cm) by means of a side cutter.2 ![]()
Step 2
Hang the small ring of the extension chain onto the shortened link chain. At the end, hang the Monstera leaf onto the chain.3 ![]()

Step 3: Chain with 2 feathers
Open the small ring by means of two flat pliers and hang a feather as well a link chain on, then close the ring.4 ![]()
Step 4
Hang one more small ring and feather onto the first mounted small ring.5 ![]()

Step 5: Chain with flower
Thread the Magic Stretch 1m long onto the needle to thread beads (item no. 21 637 00).6 ![]()
Step 6
Thread as follows: 2 Rocailles Two Tone coral, 1 glass gemstone nougat, 1 Delica Rocaille smoke topaz and 1 more glass gemstone nougat, repeat it 15 times. Now, thread one glass gemstone nougat, 1 Delica Rocaille smoke topaz and the metallic deco-element Flower.7 ![]()

Step 7
Thread the other side mirror-inverted. Now, tie together the chain by a safety knot.8 ![]()

Step 8: Chain with tassels
Firstly, thread the loops for the tassels. Thread 80cm of the beading thread into the needle to thread beads (item no. 21 548 00) and sew up the thread at the upper tip of the beige tassel. Fasten firmly the thread, puncture it upwards and thread the Premium Rocailles copper gold on a length of 6cm. Sew back through the tassel, and thread once more all Rocailles through.9 ![]()
Step 9
Slide the needle through up to the beginning of the tassel and thread a bead string at the length of the tassel. Now, thread back through the bead string and sew up the thread at the upper tip of the tassel.10 ![]()
Step 10
For the orange tassel, thread 80cm of the beading thread and sew it also up. For the loop, thread 1 Delica Rocaille gold and 3 Premium Rocailles copper gold until 20 Delica Rocailles gold have been threaded. Thread once more all Rocailles.11 ![]()
Step 11
Thread a bead string in a same pattern, then thread back and sew the thread up.12 ![]()
Step 12
For the chain, thread 2m of the beading thread into the needle and slide it centrically, knot the tips together.13 ![]()
Step 13
Now thread Premium Rocailles copper gold at a length of 26 cm. Then, thread a glass gemstone light topaz and alternately, a Premium Rocaille until 58 glass gemstones have been threaded. Thread the other side symmetrically.14 ![]()
Step 14
Thread the tassels, cut off the threads on the needle and the knots, then knot together the chain by a safety knot.15 ![]()