Instructions in 5 steps Plain test tubes, once covered in Viennese wicker and rattan wicker, quickly become natural home accessories.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Hot-melt glue, scissors, paintbrush, pencil, ruler, nylon thread for hanging if required
And this is how it works: 1
Step 1
Using a ruler, draw a rectangle with a pencil on the Viennese wicker and a rectangle on the rattan wicker, each measuring 12.5 × 10 cm, then cut out both of them by means of scissors. Use, however, the lower fringe-trimmed part of both wickerworks.2
Step 2
Join the two sides/edges of each rectangle to form a roll and fix them in place by means of the hot-melt glue.3
Step 3
Paint 25 cm of the rattan strip in white with the Chalky paint and let it dry thoroughly.4
Step 4
Cut the unpainted part of the rattan strip to the desired length to get two strips, then glue the ends of each to the two rolls respectively so that they act as suspension.5