Instructions in 17 steps Stitch rectangular pieces out of leatherette and cork together in order to create a modern gym bag with a futuristic look.
Metallic leatherette fabric silver-shadow:
2 × 48 cm × 35 cm
2 × 3,5 cm × 10 cm
Metallic leatherette fabric silver:
1 × 35 cm × 4 cm
Cork fabric granulate with silver metallic effect:
1 × 35 cm × 15 cm
Cotton fabric flowers:
2 × 40 cm × 35 cm
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Sewing machine, sewing thread, fabric shears, ruler
And this is how it works: 1
Step 1
For this sport/backpack, no cutting pattern is required, as it concerns simple geometric cuttern parts. Instead, you can crop the parts using the following dimensions.Metallic leatherette fabric silver-shadow:
2 × 48 cm × 35 cm
2 × 3,5 cm × 10 cm
Metallic leatherette fabric silver:
1 × 35 cm × 4 cm
Cork fabric granulate with silver metallic effect:
1 × 35 cm × 15 cm
Cotton fabric flowers:
2 × 40 cm × 35 cm
A drawing can be found in the PDF version of the craft idea. Just download it.
Step 2
In the first place, put the cork fabric granulate with silver mettalic effect on one of the two cuttings of the metallic silver-shadow leatherette fabric (48 x 35 cm) from the bottom edge and quilt the cork fabric.3
Step 3
Sew the cutting metallic brilliant silver leatherette fabric (35 x 4 cm) over the upper edge of the cork fabric. When quilting, the long sides are going to be turned inside every 1 cm.4
Step 4
When it comes to flaps, fold the length according to the cutting with 4 x 10 cm out of the metallic silver-shadow leatherette fabric, and turn the edges inside about 1 cm. Then top stitch it narrowly at the open edge.5
Step 5
Join the front and the back side together: put the second metallic silver-shadow leatherette fabric cutting onto the front side of the sport bag.6
Step 6
Sew the 2 cutting parts on the right sides together at the side seams and the bottom seam as well, and catch thereby the tabs at the side seams above the silver strip.7
Step 7
Next, sew the bottom edges as follows: pull the both lower bag’s edges bottom apart so that the side seam lies exactly on the bottom seam.8
Step 8
It results in two triangles – the bottom edges. Top stitch the edges transversely to the side seam, thereby measure 3 cm from the edge tip, highlight the right angle to the seam by a bounding line, and sew along this line. That way arises a bottom width of 6 cm.9
Step 9
Cut the edges up to 1 cm back. Turn the outer part of the sport bag right side out.10
Step 10
To sew the lining, place the two cuttings of the cotton fabric Flowers on the right sides, and top stitch the two side seams and the bottom seam as well.11
Step 11
Sew the bottom edges up as with the outer sport bag.12
Step 12
Join the sport bag together as follows: put the lining and the outer sport bag into each other. Now, sew the upper edge of the lining-sport bag with the upper edge of the outer sport bag together and leave thereby an opening for turning.13
Step 13
Turn the bag right side in through the opening left for it and sew the opening narrow to the edge.14
Step 14
Fold 4 cm of the metallic fabric with the lining fabric inwards, so that an inner wrong side is formed which has to be top-stitched uniformly.15
Step 15
Mark on this wrong side the positions where the tabs will be placed, as follows: from the finished up to the next side seam 4.5cm a tab 8cm. Place the tabs as described in the instructions on the package.16
Step 16
Divide the black paracord 3 m long by cutting it into 2 pieces each being now 1.5m long.17