Round cement tea-candle holder

Craft Idea Round cement tea-candle holder

Round cement tea-candle holder




30 min
Instructions in 9 steps Push the ready-made metal tealight holders into the concrete paste. Once adorned with Chalky Finish paint, it becomes a great decorative element.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Cooking oil, sandpaper, brush, pebbles, vessel to stir the cement, household sieves, pad made of Crepla or cardboard, tea-candle
And this is how it works:

Step 1

To start the preparation, put the casting mould on a solid and even surface, so that it doesn’t wiggle and coat its inside with cooking oil.

Step 2

In order to remove the larger pebbles from the cement, you should sieve the cement powder before mixing with water, through an ordinary household sieve.

Step 3

Pour about 30 ml of water (once the cement is sieved, the mixing ratio is changing according to the instructions on the package) in a plastic bucket and then gradually add approx. 200 g of the sieved creative-ce-ment powder. Stir this mixture with a wooden stick until an uniform and castable mass is obtained.

Step 4

Fill the casting compound in the prepared casting mould until you reach the desired height (pour not quite up to the top). Allow the mass to rest for about 1-2 minutes. Place slowly the metal tea-candle holder, with a slight pressure, on the moulded cement mass. Once the whole metal tea-candle holder has been placed, you can push it with a slight pressure to the desired depth and carefully align it back and forth. After that, weigh down the metal tea-candle holder with the pebbles to the desired depth.

Step 5

Let it dry overnight.

Step 6

The next day, you can remove the casting object from the mould by upturning the casting mould on the pad made of crepla or cardboard and then press slightly with the palm of the hand on the casting object, so that the air penetrates between the casting object and mould. Tap the casting mould gently on your pad, so that the cement tea-candle holder becomes entirely detached from the mould.

Step 7

Allow to harden. The curing time varies depending on the size and the temperature (one to several days).

Step 8

Small burrs and irregularities you can grind with sandpaper.

Step 9

For a special look you can paint the cement tea-candle holder with Chalky Finish colour.
Used products For this craft idea, you need the following products of Rayher:
Creative cement
item no. 34152000 Creative cement
bucket 1kg
(about 300 g)
Casting mould: circle 7,5cm ø
item no. 36042000 Casting mould: circle 7,5cm ø
depth 3,5cm
Metal teacandle holder,  4,1cm ø
item no. 56936000 Metal teacandle holder, 4,1cm ø
box 4pc
Chalky Finish, white
item no. 38867102 Chalky Finish, white
Can 118ml, white
(about 5 ml)