Instructions in 8 steps Pinkish and anthracite-coloured leatherette straps in combination with pinkish and copper-coloured strung beads result in this fascinating shimmering bracelet. And this is how it works:
Step 1
Cut the anthracite leatherette strap (4 × 50 cm) and the pinky-gold one (4 × 50 cm) to size by means of the scissors.2
Step 2
Cut the jewellery wire to size of 4 × 50 cm by means of the side cutter. Attach a crimp bead at each end of the three jewellery wires by using the flat pliers. Hold all of the leatherette straps and jewellery wires flush and fix them with some wire.3
Step 3
Now, thread 158 anthracite glass faceted beads of 3 mm ø on a jewellery wire and attach a crimp bead at its extremity. The jewellery wire is going to be shortened only at the end.4
Step 4
Thread on a further jewellery wire in turn 1 anthracite glass faceted bead of 4 mm ø, and 5 taupe Antique Rocailles of 4 mm ø, in total 20 glass faceted beads and 110 Antique Rocailles, thereafter fix a crimp bead at the outer end of the jewellery wire.5
Step 5
Now, thread successively 1 crimp bead, 1 pinky-gold glass faceted bead, 1 crimp bead on a jewellery wire – in total 20 glass faceted beads and 40 crimp beads.6
Step 6
Fix the crimp beads as following: Fix 1 crimp bead at a distance of every 2 cm by means of the flat pliers, slide to it a glass faceted bead and a crimp bead, and fix the crimp beads. Fix all others as well.7
Step 7
Lay the necklace round, shorten the ends and fasten the jewellery wires once again with crimp beads, and fuse them all together with some wire.8