Instructions in 8 steps You can easily create the drops on the cheek using the enclosed template. A perfect way to achieve the roundness.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Kitchen paper
And this is how it works: 1 ![]()

Step 1
Prime the center area of the face including the upper lip with a sponge for painting.2 ![]()

Step 2
With half a sponge apply yellow „paint me“ colour onto the eyelids and draw out the colour up until the hair line.3 ![]()

Step 3
Moisten a flat brush with water. Now take up the „Paint me“ colour (black/red/yellow) consistently by moving the brush forwards and backwards. Place the brush at the inner eye with the dark colour to the outside. With a quick wave motion paint the outer contours and repeat this step on the other side.4 ![]()

Step 4
With a round brush, take up the red and yellow paint from the “Paint me” paint (moving the brush forwards and backwards). Paint the whiskers on both sides of the face.5 ![]()

Step 5
Moisten one side of the sponge with a little bit of water and take up „Paint me“ paint yellow. Dab the sponge on some kitchen paper, so that it is relatively dry. Place the “Paint me” stencil “Drops” flat onto the cheek and dab lightly but evenly over the stencil. Remove the stencil and repeat the process on the other cheek.6 ![]()

Step 6
With a round brush size 6 and the „Paint me“ paint black, draw a thick line from the inner eye tot he outside. Afterwards paint nose, mouth and forehead.7 ![]()

Step 7
With a „Paint me“ make-up brush first take up white, then red paint on the same brush and paint some drops staggered onto the forehead. In the same fashion, just with yellow and green, place the leaves in between the drops.8 ![]()