Instructions in 5 steps Thanks to the template with words that you could apply to the metal hanging sign by means of transfer paper, "handwriting" is easily achieved.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Character style sheet, pencil
And this is how it works: 1
Step 1
Lay the text printout over the tranfer paper onto the metallic message plate. Trace the outlines of the lettering with a pencil.The text printout can be found in the PDF version of the craft idea. Just download it.
Step 2
When colouring the letters with the Chalky Finish marker, be careful not to blur their edges, viz. forget about shaky hands.3
Step 3
Colorize with all three colours and let them dry out until the paint becomes matt.4
Step 4
Now, you can sketch the outlines with the black permanent foil pen.5