Instructions in 8 steps To make it easier to get the concrete out of the mould later, tape the papier-mâché letter "E" beforehand and coat it with cooking oil.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Cooking oil, paper towel, sellotape (for masking), cutter or scissors
And this is how it works: 1 ![]()
Step 1
At first, use a cutter to cut carefully around the top edge of the paper-mâché letter so that you can lift off a surface of the letter like a lid and get that way a casting mould.2 ![]()
Step 2
Now, coat the entire inner area smoothly and evenly (do not forget the corners and the edges!) of the letter with the sellotape. The letter is perfectly prepared when the inner area is entirely coated with the sellotape and the adhesive areas overlap as little as possible. The more carefully you work, the better the result will be later.3 ![]()
Step 3
Coat the entire inner area with cooking oil.4 ![]()
Step 4
Pour about 53 ml of water in a plastic bucket and then gradually add approx. 530 g of the creative-cement powder. Stir this mixture with a craft wooden stick until an uniform and castable compound is obtained.5 ![]()
Step 5
Fill the prepared paper-mâché letter with the casting compound up to the desired height (at best, leave approx.0.5cm free from the upper edge). Allow the mass to rest for about 1-2 minutes. Then, tap repeatedly and slightly against the bucket, so that potential air bubbles in the cement-mixture can escape upwards.6 ![]()
Step 6
Allow to harden. The curing time varies depending on the size and the temperature (at best overnight). The object is loadable after about 1-2 days.7 ![]()
Step 7
Now, you can remove the cured object from the mould by turning the mould out of paper-mâché around and bending slightly the upper edge outwards, so that the air penetrates between the casting object and mould. Tap the plastic mould gently on your working surface and work with a slight pressure from outside, so that the letter out of cement becomes detached. (If the mould out of paper-mâché tears, it can be easily glued back together for later use).8 ![]()