Instructions in 4 steps A white taper candle quickly turns into a modern Dip Dye candle: simply dip it into the melted, coloured candle wax of different colours - done.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: One glass jar per colour (as high as the candle's length, ideally fitted with a lid),small wooden sticks, knife, cooking pot
And this is how it works: 1 ![]()

Step 1
Fill the glass jars with wax pellets. For each colour pigment, you’ll need a glass jar filled to about ¾ with wax pellets. Heat the filled jars in a water bath until all the wax pellets have melted. Take care that the water only gets hot and does not boil. Reduce the colour pigments to small pieces using a knife and stir each colour pigment added to the glass jar filled with liquid wax by means of a wooden stick.Tip: The more colour pigments are added, the more intense the colour shade.
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Step 2
Now take a candle, dip it into the dyed, liquid wax and let it dry. By dipping it several times and allowing to dry, the colour shade becomes more intense.Tip: Each time stir the dyed, liquid wax once more before dipping in order to disperse the colour evenly.
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Step 3
Once the coloured wax on the candle has dried, you can apply another colour on the other side of your candle.Tip: The residual wax can be optimally stored with the lid closed until the next use, or you can cast your own candle with the leftover wax. To do this, use e.g. the candle casting mould for taper candle (item no. 31 642 000).
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Step 4
Adorn the dipped candles e.g. using the transfer foil "Natural life" (see enclosed instructions).Important: Do not clean used tools with wax residues in the dishwasher!