Instructions in 3 steps The granite effect is simply achieved by spraying. Decorate the eggs with jute cords and feathers to create Easter pendants with a special look.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Wooden skewers
And this is how it works: 1 ![]()

Step 1
Poke the plastic eggs with the wooden skewers. Shake well the granite- effect spray before use. Spray the granite-effect spray onto the egg at a minimum distance of 20-25 cm and at regular intervals. Spray more or less depending on the desired colour intensity. Leave the eggs on the wooden skewer (e.g. standing upright in an empty container) to dry well out (approx. 2 hours).2 ![]()

Step 2
Split the jute cord strands in order to get a filigree hanging thread. Insert the suspension hook into the plastic egg, string the split jute cord, define the desired length and tie a knot.3 ![]()