Instructions in 7 steps If the small imperfections on the picture frame bother you, get rid of them with sandpaper.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Cooking oil, Paper towel, Box with sand
And this is how it works: 1 ![]()
Step 1
Start with placing the mould into the box filled with sand and oil the inside with cooking oil.2 ![]()
Step 2
Fill a small plastic bucket with approximately 30 ml of water, afterwards add small portions of approximately 300 g of creative cement. Mix the mixture with a wooden crafting stick until the mixture is smooth and pourable.3 ![]()
Step 3
Pour the mixture into the mould until it reaches the desired height (at best leave 1 cm to the top). Let the creative cement rest for 1 – 2 minutes, while carefully knocking against the mould, so that possible air bubbles can escape.4 ![]()
Step 4
Let it fully harden. The curing time can vary, depending on the size and temperature (best let it harden over night). The bowl is completely hardened and can be used after 1 – 2 days.5 ![]()
Step 5
Now the mould can be demoulded. Remove the cement object from its mould by turning it upside down and bending the upper edges slightly to the outside, thereby letting air in between mould and creative cement object. Carefully knock the mould onto a table, in order to loosen the cement bowl. If necessary, carefully knock the mould onto a table, to loosen the cement frame.6 ![]()
Step 6
Smaller ridges and bumps can easily be removed by sand papering the cement candle holder.7 ![]()