Instructions in 6 steps Pour either black or white Raysin casting compound into the silicone U-shaped mould and pour the other colour after the first colour has dried out: that’s how a duo-tone ridged vase
sees the light of day.
Besides the articles listed below, you also need: Water, mixing vessel, funnel, sandpaper if necessary
And this is how it works: 1
Step 1
In the first place, mix the black casting powder Raysin with water as per instructions.2
Step 2
Pour half of the mixture into one side of the U-shape using a funnel. Take care that the hole-inlay remains straight. Pour likewise the other half into the other side of the U-shape.3
Step 3
After drying of about 60 minutes, stir the white casting powder Raysin. Fill the mould with the resulting white Raysin mixture.4
Step 4
After another 60 minutes drying time, your artwork can be demoulded.5
Step 5
Allow the vase to cure thoroughly, at best overnight.6