Many cards made in no time.

With Rayher’s adhesive letters & paper accessories.

Adhesive letters & paper-accessories

Mit unseren Papieraccessoires kannst du dir im Nu eine Vielzahl an Einladungs-, Tisch- oder Dankeskarten erstellen. Unsere Klebeschriften helfen dir dabei.

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    The big party is coming up, but you don't have enough time to design an elaborate invitation card and then photocopy it for sending to all your family members and your friends? It does not need to be always unduly complicated, because with the adhesive writings and paper accessories from our Celebration range, the cards are made in a jiffy and still seem to be of high quality. Besides the adhesive writing "Einladung" (Invitation), we also have the writing "Herzlichen Glückwunsch" (Congratulations) and "Danke" (Thank you) in different designs within our range. You can then enhance the cards with colourful adhesive pennants or the Happy Balloons 3D paper stickers. The Summer Party 3D paper stickers and the Summer paper sticker mix in cheerful fresh colours are perfect for embellishing the long-desired garden party or the annual summer party.